Friday, May 15, 2020

Morality And Morality Of Drones - 896 Words

Morality of Drones Throughout history warfare has constantly evolved in all aspects weapons, strategy, and the rationality of its declaration. Neglecting the causes of war the object of any country actively at war with another is to win, and the best way to win is to have something better than your enemy. So obviously a major driving force behind these evolutions is to get better at killing than your enemy. Although this is a simple concept the problem that we face now is that we have reached a point where we are too good at warfare and our only constraint is the morality of our attacks. At the center of this predicament are Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, better known as drones, they are arguably the best weapon advancement of the 21st century. The moral issue at hand is whether they are fair and just to the countries and people they are used to attack. Keeping the end-goal of war fighting which is winning in perspective Drones are obviously morally permissible as they increase the United States’ eff ectiveness at combatting enemies abroad. Drones although not as advanced those employed today have been used in limited capacities for years, the idea of an unmanned aerial vehicle has been appealing to world powers for years. Initially in the U.S. Drones were used only for surveillance and although the thought of weaponized drones existed they had no real demand until September 11th 2001. Following the terrorist attacks of 9/11 the United States faced a different type of enemy thanShow MoreRelatedThe Morality Of Drones : Morality1955 Words   |  8 PagesThe Morality of Drones Moral, by definition, from the Webster Dictionary, concerns the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character (Webster Dictionary, 2015). 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